Varsling på Rotter: Hjemtagning af gift i servicen benyttet af 3.partsleverandører

16. april 2024

Der varsles hermed ændringer i services gældende for release 24.2.

I henhold til gældende bekendtgørelse med effekt fra 1. juli, vil der blive påkrævet at angive mængde hjemtaget gift i services og dataoverførsler for anmeldelser oprettet fra 1. juli og frem.

Find venligst de vedlagte ændringer på hjemtaget gift med effekt fra release 24.2.

Releasedato for produktion er lige nu lagt til 1. juli 2024, som også er annonceret på Driftsinformation


Extension for Rotteanmeldelse: No Change of Historical Poison Returned from V24.2

In the same way that it is not possible to change historical poison used on a Rat Occurrence, it will also not be possible to do so with poison returned records for create/update Rat Occurrence methods for both SOAP and REST with version v24.2:

  • {poisonReturneds} records that were saved for a Rat Occurrence earlier, must still exist in the updated constellation when handing in Rotteanmeldelser again. I.e. you are not allowed to edit or delete {poisonReturneds} objects. If you want to change total values, you will need to add adjustments using {poisonReturneds} and {poisonUseds} objects.

Extension for Rotteanmeldelse: Final Calculation of Returned Poison Required from V24.2

In order to ensure, that a final tally is carried out of poison used as compared to poison returned on a Rat Occurrence record has been carried out, poison returned records will be required for all poison / poison type combinations, which until the completion date has a net usage above 0 kilogram. This rule will be applied to the methods for create and update Rat Occurrence records. As implementation of this rule must be in effect already by July 2024, we will include this extension for Create/Update Rat Occurrence methods of both SOAP and REST with version v24.2.

  • The rule is only tested for Rat Occurrences where completedDate is NOT NULL and notifiedDate (anmeldelsesdato) is equal to or larger than July 1, 2024.
  • The rule requires that there must exist poisonReturneds objects for any combination of poison and poisonType used (poisonUseds) on the Rat Occurrence WHERE:
    • the poisonUseds.Date = completedDate AND
    • the net poison used* on the Rat Occurrence for the poison and poisonType is more than 0 kilogram (* net poison used is calculated as all the used poison/poisonType minus all the returned poison/poisonType on the Rat Occurrence.
    • the amount registered must be equal to or above 0 kilogram. I.e. if there is no final change for returned poison, you must still register a poisonReturneds record for the poison/poisonType where amount=0

Find fulde ændringsdokumentation ved denne github:Rat Occurrence Rules · danmarksmiljoeportal/rotter Wiki · GitHub

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